spousal sponsorship


New Member
on another note, can i ask you something? i have like a ton of different immigration forum websites on different web browsers, how do i transfer my browser bookmarks to a kingston usb flash drive stick and then transfer them into a brand new computers browsers????? would you happen to know how to do this???? rsvp.

Riley Haas

Staff member
They are saved on your computer. You probably just need to open the program files of your browser (Chrome, Explorer, Firefox, etc) and search for your bookmarks and then transfer them to the USB.


New Member
yeah but can you please be more specific? where can i learn to do this? would there be some tutorial because i want to do this but cannot! rsvp.


New Member
no. how do i do that? if i transfer all of my browser bookmarks to my kingston usb flash drive stick, will i be able to view them or not? or could they only be viewed after they have been transferred to my new computer and their browsers???? rsvp.


New Member
riley can i ask you something? if someone who has deserted the u.s. army who went AWOL who is not a u.s. citizen has fled the united states and then wants to immigrate to canada, will they be able to or not? im only asking because i dont know if law enforcement will look for someone who went awol from the u.s. army who is not a u.s. citizen? if so, can they immigrate to canada or not or would their case be more complex than my case which is because i got deported for intent to deliver drugs?????? rsvp.

Riley Haas

Staff member
I have no idea. I know nothing about US army rules but I don't really know if Canada would care. Canada used to harbour deserters, though our current government is not so warm to that now. This is a question for a lawyer.


New Member
ok, i only ask because in 1999 i enlisted in the u.s. army but then went AWOL. my company commander who was a second liuetenant told me that u.s. marshals would come looking for me and that i would be court martialed and be heading to a military prison. i dont know how long i would be in a military prison but afterward there would be a good chance that i would have gotten deported! my company commander lied to me because i was arrested and then handed over to the army and simply given an under other than honorable discharge. i was discharged at fort sill oklahoma and then returned to california where my parents were living at the time. but lets assume that what my company commander was saying was true and that u.s. marshals were looking for me and that i decided to flee the united states like a wanted fugitive, would this law enforcement alert be on canada law enforcement roster???? would the canadian authorities know that the u.s. marshals are looking for me??? if someone is being looked for by the u.s. marshals agent and they wanted to enter canada from el salvador or argentina, would the canadian authorities know that this person is a wanted fugitive in the united states??? rsvp.


New Member
look at this from a canadian immigration lawyer,

FW: immigration‏

FW: immigration
Klaudios Mustakas (kmustakas@pacelawfirm.com) Add to contacts 9/28/15 Keep this message at the top of your inbox
To: 'donaldbathe@hotmail.com' Cc: Andy Semotiuk ext
My colleague Andy Semotiuk has asked me to respond to your recent inquiry.

Based on the limited information you have given us the minimum time before an individual can apply for rehabilitation(who has been convicted of offences mentioned) is 10 years after the expiration of any sentence imposed. The application must include all court documents, recent police clearance letters and proof that the individual has rehabilitated. The decision to approve would also depend on the reason why the individual wishes to come to Canada. Approval is done outside of Canada at one of Canada?s consulates. If an individual attempts to enter Canada without the approval he/she would be subject to arrest and deportation from Canada.

Hope this helps.

Klaudios Mustakas

Senior Advisor

Pace Law Firm


New Member
look at this, https://blu180.mail.live.com/?tid=cmmMVIPS1u5RGxkgAiZMIHOA2&fid=flinbox inal decision on who enters Canada is up to the Border officer. That's the reality.

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Rogers network.
From: donald bathe
Sent: Thursday, October 8, 2015 9:45 PM
To: Klaudios Mustakas
Subject: RE: immigration


New Member
if i wait until december 2023 to start the rehabilitation and meet all the requirements, why would a border officer deny me then?????????????? rsvp.


New Member
do you think that border officers are fair and just as far as how they go about making their decisions????? rsvp.

Riley Haas

Staff member
Yes, I have told you that it is up to the officer.

I have no idea why a border officer would deny you entry after you have Criminal Rehab. But they could.

I am sure they try to be fair, but they are people just like you and I.


New Member
but is each individual officer different or do they all use the same criteria in making a determination of this kind???? also, does the officer make the decision on the spot or do they take their time like 90 days to reach a decision???? rsvp.


New Member
but if they make their decision on the spot, wouldnt that mean that they might rush to judgment rather than think with a cool head??? also, if someone meets all the requirements and has passed the criminal rehabilitation and even at that still get denied, do they have to provide a reason why they were denied???? rsvp.

Riley Haas

Staff member
The answer to your first question is that it's their job. They do it hundreds of times per day.

They do have to provide you a reason.