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  1. IMMIgroup

    Does my mother need to re-enter Canada with her Supervisa?

    Overnight is the safe thing to do but some people do something that is called "flagpoling'. Read more about this here:
  2. IMMIgroup

    Does my mother need to re-enter Canada with her Supervisa?

    She can stay for 6 months but longer durations in Canada require her to: 1. Leave Canada (for example overnight in the U.S. and re-enter Canada) 2. Apply for a visitor visa extension
  3. IMMIgroup

    Funds proof

    Both of them.
  4. IMMIgroup

    GSS, LMIA Exempt, NOC A Work Permit

    Hard to say, try using this website
  5. IMMIgroup

    Is it too soon to apply under PNP

    It does not matter, but you need to look at the PNP requirements.
  6. IMMIgroup

    How To prove single status

    Your son needs to do the following: 1. Sign a single status declaration in Turkey: Here is an example: 2. Make a copy of his Canadian passport 3. Have your son take a photo holding up the Canadian...
  7. IMMIgroup

    work permit

    First, you need to extend her visitor visa (ASAP). Second, you can apply for an open work permit. This typically takes six months, at least after you have filed for the sponsorship. The important part is to keep her status while the applications are being processed.
  8. IMMIgroup

    Canadians born before 1948. British subjects=British citizens?

    Did you make an appointment with Immigroup? If so, email [email protected] and put it to attention, "George." I still think this will not be easy; I can't remember the last time we did the First UK passport because of military service; super interesting! do think you are going to need proof...
  9. IMMIgroup

    medical doctor looking for anwers

    This is a great question; I think someone should make it easier to find out. The problem is with all the provincial nominee and federal programs; it's just not easy. Also, it's hard to trust a law firm because you may be thinking they have strong monetary motives. 1. Start by looking at the...
  10. IMMIgroup

    Global affairs

    Good, another option, this is why I like using these third-party companies. I find the government workers not very helpful when it comes to solving problems.
  11. IMMIgroup

    Rescheduling Citizenship ceremony

    Generally, new dates can take a few months before they are rescheduled. You can always call IRCC to check the status (I know this can be a pain).
  12. IMMIgroup

    Global affairs

    A third party will not have any special treatment. The significant advantage with a third party is they constantly deal with Global Affairs and would know with greater accuracy the timelines and if any changes or options can be utilized. I have not used iDocCanada, but I have used...
  13. IMMIgroup

    UK citizenship?

    Well, this is an immigration question, and Immigroup does passports for the UK. What I think will happen is you will be able to apply for some type of UK status after marriage (not a passport, this will come later). Check the UK immigration website for better information. Click here to read...
  14. IMMIgroup

    Mixed marriage question?

    Common law is the best way to do this; otherwise, you need to apply by yourself (your own immigration application).
  15. IMMIgroup

    Entrepreneur Visa?

    You should look into the Provincial immigration programs (some provinces still offer some type of investor programs).
  16. IMMIgroup

    Wrong date of birth

    I would send in a letter of explanation. Here is a how-to guide to do this yourself:
  17. IMMIgroup

    My wife wants to separate the day of my permit expiration

    I am sorry about your situation. I am assuming you are not going to school anymore; this would be one way you could stay, but you still would need to apply outside Canada for the study permit. You can apply for a work permit but again would have to apply outside Canada. There is no recourse...
  18. IMMIgroup


    Typically it is good for 5 years.
  19. IMMIgroup

    UK status....

    I am assuming you live in Canada. It sounds to me like you lost your UK status years ago. Generally, this is the way immigration works globally. After some time, you just lose your right to that country (in this case, the UK). The only way would get a UK passport is IF your father was born in...
  20. IMMIgroup

    Inland Sponsorship

    1. Personal trips don't effect your sponsorship application 2. Paying your government fee is not the same as processing your application. Things only matter after you have paid the fee AND sent the application. 3. I am not sure what you are asking. If you never work you simply put that. A...