Spouse Sponsorship Questions


New Member
I'm in the process of applying for sponsorship and have a few questions.
1. I started to collect documents in summer 2021. It's been 8 months since I translated and notarized a support letter from my mother in July 2021. Will such a big gap affect on the application?
2. What can I provide as a proof of financial support or shared expenses? The issue is that my husband pays for rent, groceries and etc by his credit card. Though we have a joint bank account, we don't regularly use it. Is it enough if we provide rent payments, vacation bills as a financial support?
3. Is there any requirement for dates on the forms? Do they have to be the same day as I send my application or there is no requirements for that?

I would appreciate any help, thanks.


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[email protected]
Question 1: Translated and notarized documents don't expire.

Question 2: The more the better. Show as much as you can.

Question 3: I think you are asking if the forms need to be all the same date, the answer is no.

Make sure you take our free course on this subject: https://www.immigroup.com/topics/spousal-sponsorship-course/

Don't rush, take your time. Remember, it's always better to send more documents than not enough.


New Member
Thank you so much for your help.
I'm also struggling with 1 more thing. The "country specific requirements" for my country is providing a copy of labor book/workbook. However, I never worked back home and don't have this document. Do you know what should I do in this case?