Hello I have a question dealing with my convention refugee status . Please help


New Member
Name :lenka
Birthday: October 5th 2001
Status : convention refugee

I immigrated to Canada when I was 7 or 8 years old the year 2009. I went through court with me and my family members(4 in total). In the year 2012 we got a form stating the Canadian immigration board accepted our claim thus Making us all convention refugees in Canada . We took no further steps after this due to my father being rejected for having a long having criminal record from his youth years . My mother thought we wouldn't last long in Canada since my father was declined. The years went on and we were still waiting. My father had to go to the airport and sign every month . After 9 years he was sent through court and nothing worked . He even applied for humanitarian and nothing seemed to work . We hired an lawyer which later we found it was a fake immigration lawyer thus reasoning for not taking the correct steps needed. It was too late and before we knew it he was deported . Our father has no further contact with us to this day. Around this time my grandma got terminally ill to the point she had few weeks to live. My mother wanted to see her as she hasn't for the past 9 years living in Canada . We made our emergency passports at the Canadian embassy in downtown Toronto. The emergency passports were only for a month . We arrived in put home country and time flew fast . As my grandpa past my mom didn't take it well. She fell into deep depression and became unaware of her surrounding. She was incapable in taking care of me and my siblings as she couldn't even look after herself . My grandfather decides to take us in for the mean time as we thought our mother would get better . My mom wasnt accepting of her mental health and didn't want to see a doctor as she thought it'll get better as well. Weeks turned into months and then months turned into a year. Things became worse then expected to the point where my mother had to go to a mental hospital and had to go to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist stated my mom's state of mind is unsafe . To this day she takes her medications but that just make things worse . This made us stay longer than intended to . My mother couldn't go back home (Canada ) with me and my siblings due to her illness . Later on I developed sever depression as the country I'm living in is very discriminative towards Gypsies (I am a gypsy). The government refuses to give me the right for education therefore I had to start work at the age of 16. At work I got bullied and discriminated every single day . I hold fear in my heart every single day because I don't belong here . I don't want to live like this . I want to be proud of who I am and not to be judged due to my skin colour or my traditions. Going to public places is harder than anyone can picture . Being told to go to gas chambers and to burn to ashes is heart breaking . I'm turning 18 in a few months. I gathered enough money to get a plane ticket . However I know it'll be hard getting into Canada and that my case is very difficult. I just need help . I need help knowing what I can do and what I could do .

I have papers stating my mothers conditions as well as mine . I have a travel document and everything as well. I'm hoping this will help .
Do you think they'll take my status away ? And If they do what steps can I take ? I know I can apply for the humanitarian and compassionate grounds . However I don't know how strong my case is . Please help anything would help . Going to a consulate is impossible due to no way of getting there as it's hours away . I just want to go back home
Thank you so much


Riley Haas

Staff member
Hi Lenka,
I'm sorry to say that you need a (real) immigration lawyer or Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC). I'm not sure that anyone posting on a public forum is going to be able to give you any kind of help, and we certainly cannot give you the legal advice you need. You can try for H&C but you will need assistance, unless you can complete an application yourself.

Sorry I cannot be more helpful.