Do I need a lawyer?


New Member

I am planning on immigrating to Canada but I am not sure whether I should engage the services of an attorney or proceed alone. My main problem is that I am currently not married but intend to do so before I move to Canada, but when filling out the Express Entry eligibility questionnaire I am not sure what answers to put. If I state that I am married I would be lying, and if I don't then I might face problems when I am actually invited to an interview.

Has anyone faced a similar conundrum? In general I believe it is a good idea to have a lawyer but on the other hand I am not sure how prohibitive the cost would be.

Any suggestions and advice very much welcome.

Riley Haas

Staff member
I would recommend an immigration consultant (RCIC) as they are usually cheaper than lawyers and they also only focus on immigration. I am biased, as I am employed by an immigration consultant, FYI.

If you two are common law, you can apply that way. Otherwise you have two options: wait to immigrate until after you married or immigrate now and sponsor your spouse after your have PR status.


New Member

I am planning on immigrating to Canada but I am not sure whether I should engage the services of an attorney or proceed alone. My main problem is that I am currently not married but intend to do so before I move to Canada, but when filling out the Express Entry eligibility questionnaire I am not sure what answers to put. If I state that I am married I would be lying, and if I don't then I might face problems when I am actually invited to an interview.

Has anyone faced a similar conundrum? In general I believe it is a good idea to have a lawyer but on the other hand I am not sure how prohibitive the cost would be.

Any suggestions and advice very much welcome.
This is a very good question I also emigrated to Canada and just like you, I did not want to turn to someone for help, I was sure that I could cope on my own. I did not succeed much, and my husband convinced me, and this is, fortunately. It is better to spend a little time in a professional company where good lawyers work than to do everything yourself and then not sleep at night. All the more so if people are professionals and do everything for you, this is a huge plus. You will lose fewer nerves and spend less money and will be safe. You can easily choose a company of lawyers for this case.


New Member
Hi, getting a good lawyer is a great solution for everyone, no matter what your plans or goals are. In any difficult situation in which you may find yourself, you need the help and support of an experienced specialist who will help you solve any problem. I often read the news about how a person becomes an accidental victim of criminals as a result of which he receives serious injuries. The most interesting thing is that some do not even try to somehow get compensation for the damage received and are treated at their own expense. If you do not want to find yourself in a similar situation, click here and seek the help of an experienced lawyer who will be able to protect your rights.


New Member
You definitely need an immigration lawyer or just a lawyer who can advise you. Lying in the questionnaire is terrible because you will be checked anyway.
In general, it is always necessary to hire a lawyer when you have the slightest doubt.
Last year I had the opportunity to sign a government contract for certain services and I had a lot of doubts about this. Especially considering my painful experience in the past. So, I asked for advice and help at It was one of the best decisions.
If you have even the slightest doubt, then you definitely need help.
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New Member
No you don't need a lawyer. You can do better than him. He will take money, speculate the information...I advise you strongly and every one to do everything alone. The canadian government, do not prefer the one with lawyer, thank the person itself. the same for them.