LMIA for PR application


New Member
I was wondering if someone has the Job offer based on Positive LIMA- Highwage position stream, can he get the points of job offer thorough EE or the LMIA should be PR support?
In most cases, your employer needs a Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) to support your job offer for Express Entry. Only some jobs do not need an LMIA.

Types of LIMA

a Labor Market Impact Assessment to support an application for work permit under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program. Once you receive this Labor Market Impact Assessment, you may apply for the work permit;

this LMIA is used to support an Application for Permanent Residence in Canada. If permanent residence is sought based on Express Entry, the foreign worker is awarded 50-600 CRS points.
Candidates can apply to Express Entry Draw. This can boost the cut-off score high enough for the applicant to receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residence in Canada;

in addition to supporting permanent residence application, this type of LMIA is also used to support a work permit application.

So you need to carefully choose and apply for the correct LIMA.


New Member
Does it mean that if a person has LMIA under high wage stream which is used for work permit and it is still valid for 2 years now, Can NOT use it to get the job offer points in EE??
And he needs to reapply for the PR support LMIA to get that points??
CIC wont give the job offer points to this job offer ??
Previously, qualifying job offers supported by a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) were worth 600 points under the CRS. As of November 19, candidates with qualifying job offers will be awarded either 200 or 50 points, depending on the position. Moreover, certain work permit holders may be awarded points for their job offer even if they have not obtained a LMIA (note: LMIA holders will also continue to be awarded points for a job offer).
In addition to LMIA holders, the new regulations also allow the following individuals to be awarded points for a qualifying job offer:
  • Individuals with a work permit issued under an international agreement, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
  • Individuals with a work permit issued under the ‘significant benefits to Canada’ criteria, such as Intra-Company Transfers.
In both above cases, the worker must have been working in Canada for at least one year and the job offer must be made by the same employer named on the work permit.

Workers currently in Canada: Is your work permit acceptable for Express Entry?

The table below shows which foreign workers in Canada may be able to obtain points for a job offer.

NAFTAPost-Graduation Work Permits
Intra-Company TransferInternational Experience Canada (IEC)
Labor Market Impact Assessment-based Work PermitsWork Permits issued to Spouses/Common-Law Partners of foreign workers and international students in Canada
Canada-Provincial/Territorial issued Work PermitsAll other Open Work Permits
Other Work Permits issued under the significant benefit to Canada initiative


New Member
Previously, qualifying job offers supported by a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) were worth 600 points under the CRS. As of November 19, candidates with qualifying job offers will be awarded either 200 or 50 points, depending on the position. Moreover, certain work permit holders may be awarded points for their job offer even if they have not obtained a LMIA (note: LMIA holders will also continue to be awarded points for a job offer).
In addition to LMIA holders, the new regulations also allow the following individuals to be awarded points for a qualifying job offer:
  • Individuals with a work permit issued under an international agreement, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
  • Individuals with a work permit issued under the ‘significant benefits to Canada’ criteria, such as Intra-Company Transfers.
In both above cases, the worker must have been working in Canada for at least one year and the job offer must be made by the same employer named on the work permit.

Workers currently in Canada: Is your work permit acceptable for Express Entry?

The table below shows which foreign workers in Canada may be able to obtain points for a job offer.

NAFTAPost-Graduation Work Permits
Intra-Company TransferInternational Experience Canada (IEC)
Labor Market Impact Assessment-based Work PermitsWork Permits issued to Spouses/Common-Law Partners of foreign workers and international students in Canada
Canada-Provincial/Territorial issued Work PermitsAll other Open Work Permits
Other Work Permits issued under the significant benefit to Canada initiative
If I'm holding a Post-Graduation Work Permit and my employer successfully applied a positive LMIA to support my PR application, do I need to change my PGWP to a employer specific work permit in order to get the 50 points?

Riley Haas

Staff member
Good question. It certainly seems like you must change it to an employer-specific one based on the pasted text.


New Member
Good question. It certainly seems like you must change it to an employer-specific one based on the pasted text.
Thank you very much for your prompt reply. However, my employer applied for a LMIA is just to support my PR, under the PR stream. As I know, there are 3 types of LMIA: 1. for work permit only; 2, for PR only( no need to pay processing fee), 3 for dual PR+WP. If my employer just apply an LMIA to support my PR, I won't be able to use that LMIA to get a new work permit. I heard some RCIC said I don't need to switch work permit but still get 50 points as long as I have a positive LMIA for PR purpose. I'm very confused.

Riley Haas

Staff member
Which RCIC said that? If you spoke to a consultant and they told you that, you should probably listen to them, rather than me, as I'm just a forum admin.

I'm sorry I can't give you a better answer. I would talk to an RCIC or a lawyer.

Sunny khaital

New Member
Previously, qualifying job offers supported by a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) were worth 600 points under the CRS. As of November 19, candidates with qualifying job offers will be awarded either 200 or 50 points, depending on the position. Moreover, certain work permit holders may be awarded points for their job offer even if they have not obtained a LMIA (note: LMIA holders will also continue to be awarded points for a job offer).
In addition to LMIA holders, the new regulations also allow the following individuals to be awarded points for a qualifying job offer:
  • Individuals with a work permit issued under an international agreement, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
  • Individuals with a work permit issued under the ‘significant benefits to Canada’ criteria, such as Intra-Company Transfers.
In both above cases, the worker must have been working in Canada for at least one year and the job offer must be made by the same employer named on the work permit.

Workers currently in Canada: Is your work permit acceptable for Express Entry?

The table below shows which foreign workers in Canada may be able to obtain points for a job offer.

NAFTAPost-Graduation Work Permits
Intra-Company TransferInternational Experience Canada (IEC)
Labor Market Impact Assessment-based Work PermitsWork Permits issued to Spouses/Common-Law Partners of foreign workers and international students in Canada
Canada-Provincial/Territorial issued Work PermitsAll other Open Work Permits
Other Work Permits issued under the significant benefit to Canada initiative

Sunny khaital

New Member
Thanks for the detailed explanation. @Riley Haas I have 1 query . Hope you can answer

I am on open work permit and have 1 year experience in Canada. My open work permit does Not mention any employer. Can I still get 50 points for the job offer letter ? Thanks in advance


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An Open Work Permit is not tied to any specific employer. That's why the employer isn't mentioned. From what you've said, you should be eligible for the extra points. Go to the following link to see what your job letter should contain: