MPNP Farm Investor Pathway

Table of Contents

Under Manitoba’s Business Investor Stream, you have two pathways:

  • The Entrepreneur Pathway which we cover
  • The Farm Investor Pathway (FIP) for those wanting to establish a farming operation in rural Manitoba.

The Farm Investor Pathway replaces the previous Farm Strategic Recruitment Initiative. The FIP is for individuals who:

  • Have proven farm business experience
  • Have sufficient capital available to invest in a farm business
  • Intend to establish and operate a farm business in rural Manitoba
  • Establish a farm business that produces primary products consistent with Manitoba’s farming industry. Note: If your proposed farming or agri-business produces non-primary products, then it may qualify under the Entrepreneur Pathway instead.


MPNP Eligibility Requirements

As an applicant under MPNP you must meet the eligibility requirements of Manitoba’s PNP which means you CANNOT be one of the following:

  • Refugee claimants
  • People involved in a federal appeal or removal process (through IRCC)
  • Live-in caregivers currently living in Canada
  • Temporary workers living and working in a province other than Manitoba
  • Spouses of Canadian citizens or permanent residents
  • Individuals who have been refused by the MPNP or FIP in the last 12 months and who have been unable to address the reasons for their refusal
  • Individuals who have been refused by the MPNP or FIP for misrepresentation or false documentation during the last 24 months
  • Individuals who have an active application with any other provincial nominee program in Canada.


FIP Minimum Requirements

  • Minimum of 3 years experience owning and operating a farming business during the past 5 years, with verifiable documents in support of this experience.
  • You should have the ability to communicate in English and/or French in order to run a successful farming business in Canada. If you are invited by MPNP for an interview under the FIP you will have to conduct the interview in either English or French.
  • You have to invest a minimum of CAD$300,000 in a farming business in rural Manitoba. The investment must be in eligible tangible assets as defined by MPNP. That means that the assets you invest in have to have a clear relationship with your proposed farming business.
  • You cannot invest in a farm business for the purpose of passive income (income earned from a business that you are not involved in the daily operations of) or for speculative purposes (buying a farm in the hopes that it’s value will increase over time). It must be a working farm that you own and operate.
  • You must put together a farm business plan with detailed information on how your business will operate and be profitable.
  • Your farm business activities should:
    • Have ongoing and recurring business activities in rural Manitoba
    • Require you to live on the farm and be actively involved in the management of the farm business on an ongoing basis
    • Be involved in active primary agricultural production
    • Be economically viable (profitable within a short period of time)
    • Not use third-party farm managers or engage in speculative activity.
  • You must make a Farm Business Research visit to Manitoba by travelling to the province to research the farming industry in the province and decide on a particular primary production agricultural activity for your proposed farming business.
  • You have to demonstrate adaptability by:
    • Showing you have practical farming skills
    • Demonstrating technical knowledge
    • Demonstrating you have experience in technologically-based farming practices that will transfer and adapt to Manitoba’s primary farming production sector.
  • You must have a minimum net worth of CAD$500,000
  • You will be required to submit a Verification of Net Worth and Source of Funds report which will be compiled by one of the following Designated Third-Party Verifiers for MPNP:

    Grant Thornton LLP
    94 Commerce Drive
    Winnipeg, MB
    R3P 0Z3
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: +1-204-272-4738


    2500 – 201 Portage Ave
    Winnipeg, MB
    R3B 3K6
    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: +1-204-336-6106
    Fax: +1-204-783-8329
    Toll Free: 1-877-500-0795


How to Apply

While MPNP updates the online application system for the Farm Investor Pathway or FIP, the following interim process is in place.


Step 1: Explore and research farming business in Manitoba

Your existing farming operation (the one where you have gained a minimum of 3 years experience in the last 5 years) should be similar to current Manitoba farming operations in terms of:

  • Technology utilization
  • Technological practices employed
  • Scale, Equipment utilized, your output of production.

Complete an Interest Guidelines Form.


Step 2: Visit the province and explore the farm business opportunities

You should consider filling out a Farm Business Concept Form. This will help you organize your ideas about the details of your proposed farm business.


Step 3: Submit Interest Guideline Form and Farm Business Concept Form

Submit the form by email to [email protected].

If MPNP determines that your proposed farming business is suitable and will potentially contribute to the long-term economic productivity of Manitoba’s farming sector you will be invited to an interview with a Business Immigration Officer (BIO). If the BIO and MPNP are not convinced of your suitability and potential contribution to the farming sector you will be notified of this by email.

If MPNP determines that your proposed farming business is both suitable and potentially will contribute to the productivity of Manitoba’s farming sector, you will receive an official Letter of Advice to Apply (LAA) from MPNP.


Step 4: Submit FIP Nomination Application

If you receive a LAA you will have 120 days to then submit a full application under FIP to the MPNP.

  • All federal and provincial forms outlined in the Document Checklist, (included in the email you will receive at the same time you receive your LAA), must be submitted electronically.
  • Supporting documents can be in paper format and can be submitted by mail or submitted in person.
  • You must include your CAD$2,500 Fee that must be payable to Manitoba Development Corporation. As of now, only Bank Drafts can be used to pay your fees. An online payment system will be available at some point in the future. If your FIP nomination is refused or if your permanent resident visa application is refused by the IRCC your fee will NOT be refunded.


Step 5: Assessment of FIP Nomination Application

Your application will be assessed by the MPNP and you may have to attend an interview with officials from MPNP. If there are concerns with your application, you may receive a Procedural Fairness Letter (PFL) from which you will have to respond to by a specified date. If the concerns are not resolved your application will be refused. If your application is successful, you will receive a certificate of nomination from MPNP.

You will have to then to sign a deposit agreement and make a CAD$75,000 deposit with the Manitoba Development Corporation.


Step 6: Apply for Permanent Residence

Upon receipt of your signed deposit agreement and deposit of CAD$75,000, you will be instructed to complete and send your application for permanent residence to the Central Intake Office (CIO) in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The CIO will also receive your nomination certificate directly from MPNP and then forward your application for permanent residence to the nearest Canadian Visa Office abroad who will give you instructions on:

  • Medical examinations
  • Security clearances

If the results are favorable, you will be issued a visa for permanent residence in Canada and you will be able to move to Canada on a permanent basis.


Step 7: Establish your Farm Business in Manitoba

Within 30 days of landing in Canada (arriving at the airport) you must contact the MPNP offices and provide your new contact information in Canada. Business Information Officers will maintain contact with you to provide you with additional information to aid you in setting up your business and understanding the farm sector’s latest developments in Manitoba.

You should provide periodic reports on your progress to MPNP and have established your farming business within 2 years as will be outlined in your deposit agreement. When the MPNP has verified that your investment in the business has been realized, you will receive your CAD$75,000 back.



The following provincial forms must be completed and sent electronically. Go here for more information and to download the relevant forms.

Forms are submitted electronically if you receive LAA from MPNP Farm Investor Pathway.

Application Forms
A Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program Fee Payment Form – completed and signed
B Manitoba Provincial Nominee Generic Application Form – FIP (MPNP APP)
C Manitoba Information Release Form (MREL) completed by applicant and spouse
D Manitoba Consent to Indirect Collection and Disclosure of Personal Information – completed by applicant and spouse
E Manitoba Code of Conduct for Immigration Representatives Who Represent Applicants to MPNP – completed by applicant and their representative
F Declaration of Intent
Proof of and Report on Farm Business Research Visit to Manitoba
A Complete Trip Activity Log
B Itinerary of Visit – including copies of airline tickets and boarding passes on all flights
C Proof of stay in Manitoba
D Description of Relevant Research while in Manitoba
Summary of Farm Business Plan in Manitoba
A Detailed description of farm business plan in Manitoba

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