Marrying and Sponsoring a Saint Lucian Citizen

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Marriage to a Saint Lucian Citizen

Every country has its own laws that apply to its citizens marrying a person from a different country. Getting married to a Saint Lucian citizen with the goal of eventually bringing them to Canada to live is a process with many steps.

If you want to bring your Saint Lucian spouse or partner to live in Canada, you must then file a sponsorship application for them to become a permanent resident. If they would like to visit you in Canada while their application is in process, they must also apply for a visitor visa. For more information, please see our family sponsorship page and our visitor visa page.


Processing Time

If you file a Canadian sponsorship application for your Saint Lucian spouse or partner, this application takes an average of 10-12 months.

A visitor visa application for your spouse or partner to visit you in Canada while the sponsorship applications are processing takes an average of 3 –14 days.

Please see our pages on family sponsorship and Canadian visitor visa for more information on the processing times of these applications.


Saint Lucian Marriage Basic Requirements

It’s easy to get married in St Lucia. You just need to stay in the country for 2 days before the wedding.

After you’ve been in the country for 2 days a local Solicitor can apply for a license on your behalf. You need to have received the license within 2 working days before the wedding date. Most tour operators can make all the arrangements. All you need to bring is the following documentation:

  • Passport
  • Birth Certificate
  • Decree Absolute (if one of the parties is divorced)
  • In the case of a widow/widower a Death Certificate of first spouse is required
  • If a name has been changed, a Deed Poll is required
  • If one of the parties is under the age of 18, evidence of a consent of parents is required in the form of a sworn affidavit stamped by a Notary Public
  • If any required documents are not in English, an authenticated translation must be available


Family Members

If your Saint Lucian spouse has dependent children, this does not affect the Saint Lucian Marriage document application.

If you have dependent children, they have no effect on the application to marry a Saint Lucian citizen.


Costs of the Process


Government Fees

To learn about the costs of the sponsorship process, click here.


Other Fees – Disbursement Fees

Because the only language recognized in Saint Lucia is English, documents must all be translated into English to be included in an application. Documents are also sent to Saint Lucia and Saint Lucian embassies by courier to ensure security, confidentiality, and confirmation of delivery. These costs are known as disbursement fees and are unique to each case; however the total is typically less than $500 Canadian dollars.



List of Saint Lucian Consulates in Canada

Click here

Calling Saint Lucia from Canada

Saint Lucia is part of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) just as Canada is. It’s a normal long distance call:

1 – 758 – local number


Calling Canada from Saint Lucia

Dial 1 – area code – local number

List of Canadian Area Codes

Province Code Province  Code
Alberta 403 / 587 (southern Alberta)

587 / 780 (central and northern Alberta)

Nunavut 867
BC 236 / 250 / 778 (majority of BC)

236 / 604 / 778 (Metro Vancouver)

Ontario 226 / 519 (southwestern Ontario)

249 / 705 (northeastern Ontario)

289 / 365 / 905 (Greater Toronto Area)

343 / 613 (eastern Ontario)

416 / 647 (Toronto)

807 (northwestern Ontario)

Manitoba 204 / 431 PEI 782 / 902
New  Brunswick 506 Quebec 418 / 581 (eastern Quebec)

438 / 514 (Montreal)

450 / 579 (Greater Montreal)

819 / 873 (remainder of Quebec)

Newfoundland and Labrador 709 Saskatchewan 306 / 639
Northwest Territories 867 Yukon 867
Nova Scotia 782 / 902


Time Difference

Saint Lucia on Atlantic Standard Time. Due to their proximity to the equator, they do not observe Daylight Saving Time.

Canadian Time Zone # of Hours Saint Lucia is Ahead or Behind # of Hours during DST
Pacific (BC, Yukon) 4 hours 3 hours
Mountain (Alberta, western Nunavut, Lloydminster, Saskatchewan) 3 hours 2 hours
Saskatchewan 2 hours 2 hours
Central (Manitoba, Northwest Territories, central Nunavut, northwestern Ontario) 2 hours 1 hour
Eastern (most of Ontario, most of Quebec) 1 hour Same Time
Atlantic (Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI, eastern Quebec) Same Time 1 hour behind
Newfoundland 30 minutes behind 90 minutes behind


Emergency Information for Canadians in Saint Kitts and Nevis

There is no Canadian diplomatic mission in Saint Lucia. For assistance, contact the High Commission in Barbados.

High Commission of Canada in Bridgetown

Bishop’s Court Hill, St. Michael
P.O. Box 404
Barbados BB11113

Telephone: (246) 629-3550
Fax: (246) 437-7436

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The Government of Canada’s Travel Alerts for Saint Lucia

For travel alerts, click here

Sponsoring Your Saint Lucian Spouse to Come to Canada

The sponsorship application process is long and can be frustrating. To learn more about it, click the button below:

Learn More



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