Marrying and Sponsoring a Réunionese

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Marrying and Sponsoring a French Citizen is the same process, no matter where they live. Learn more about sponsorship:

Marrying and Sponsoring a French Citizen is the same process, no matter where they live. Learn more about sponsorship:

See our page on Marrying a French Citizen


Calling Réunion from Canada

Dial 011 – 262 – 262 or 692 – local number, where

  • 011 is the exit code for Canada
  • 262 is the country code for Réunion
  • the second 262 is the landline code for Réunion
  • 692 is the cellular code for Réunion


Calling Canada from Réunion

Dial 00 – 1 – area code – local number, where

  • 00 is the international dialing code and acts as the exit code for all French territories
  • 1 is the country code for Canada

List of Area Codes in Canada

Province Code Province  Code
Alberta 403 / 587 (southern Alberta)

587 / 780 (central and northern Alberta)

Nunavut 867
BC 236 / 250 / 778 (majority of BC)

236 / 604 / 778 (Metro Vancouver)

Ontario 226 / 519 (southwestern Ontario)

249 / 705 (northeastern Ontario)

289 / 365 / 905 (Greater Toronto Area)

343 / 613 (eastern Ontario)

416 / 647 (Toronto)

807 (northwestern Ontario)

Manitoba 204 / 431 PEI 782 / 902
New  Brunswick 506 Quebec 418 / 581 (eastern Quebec)

438 / 514 (Montreal)

450 / 579 (Greater Montreal)

819 / 873 (remainder of Quebec)

Newfoundland and Labrador 709 Saskatchewan 306 / 639
Northwest Territories 867 Yukon 867
Nova Scotia 782 / 902


Time Difference

Réunion is on Mauritius / Seychelles time (GMT+4). Due to its position, Réunion does not observe Daylight Saving Time.

Canadian Time Zone # of Hours Réunion is Ahead # of Hours during DST
Pacific (BC, Yukon) 12 hours 11 hours
Mountain (Alberta, western Nunvaut, Lloydminster, Saskatchewan) 11 hours 10 hours
Saskatchewan 10 hours 10 hours
Central (Manitoba, Northwest Territories, central Nunavut, northwestern Ontario) 10 hours 9 hours
Eastern (most of Ontario, most of Quebec) 9 hours 8 hours
Atlantic (Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI, eastern Quebec) 8 hours 7 hours
Newfoundland 7.5 hours 6.5 hours


Emergency Information for Canadians in Réunion

Canada does not operate a diplomatic mission in Réunion. The closest mission is the Consulate in Madagascar. Because Réunion is a French territory, the Embassy in Paris is another important point of contact.

Consulate of Canada in Antananarivo

Immeuble Fitaratra
Antananarivo 101

Telephone: (261) 20 22 397 37
Fax: No Fax
Website: No Website

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Embassy of Canada in Paris

35 Montaigne Avenue
75008 Paris

Telephone: 33 (0)1 44 43 29 00; 33 (0)1 44 43 29 02
Fax: 33 (0)1 44 43 29 86

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The Canadian Government provides travel alerts – giving security, health, weather and other information to Canadians – for countries and territories around the world. However, they do not provide this service for Réunion at this time. Before traveling to Réunion, you should check with the Government in case there is a problem in the region.


Sponsoring Your Réunionese Spouse to Come to Canada

The sponsorship process is long and can be difficult.  To learn more about it, click the button below?

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