Marrying and Sponsoring a Japanese Citizen

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  • Located in East Asia between North Atlantic Ocean and Sea of Japan East of Korean peninsula
  • The weather is varied from tropical in the South to cool temperatures in the North
  • Japan is very vulnerable to earthquakes because its sits in a seismically active zone. Other hazards include tsunamis and typhoons mainly caused by tremors.


Marriage to a Japanese Citizen

Every country has its own laws that apply to its citizens marrying a person from a different country. Getting married to a Japanese citizen with the goal of eventually bringing them to Canada to live is a process with many steps.

If you want to bring your Japanese spouse or partner to live in Canada, you must then file a sponsorship application for them to become a permanent resident. If they would like to visit you in Canada while their application is in process, they must also apply for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA). For more information, please see our family sponsorship page and our eTA article.


Processing Time

If you file a Canadian sponsorship application for your Jamaican spouse or partner, this application takes an average of 10-12 months.

A visitor visa application for your spouse or partner to visit you in Canada while the sponsorship applications are processing takes an average of 3 –14 days.

Please see our pages on family sponsorship and Canada’s eTA for more information on the processing times of these applications.


Japanese Marriage Basic Requirements

To be married off, the city ward requires proof of legality or freedom to marry in form of an affidavit that is sworn in person at any Canadian embassy in place of mailing documents.

After the marriage has been licensed, the certificate becomes the proof of marriage and a spouse visa can be granted. The requirements are:

  • A statement declaring the marriage has taken place
  • A copy of the marriage certificate
  • Photocopy of the passport
  • Mailing address
  • Spouses name
  • $50 fee in Yen


Family Members

If your Japanese spouse has dependent children, this does not affect the Japanese Marriage document application.

If you have dependent children, they have no effect on the application to marry a Japanese citizen.


List of Japanese Consulates in Canada

Embassy of Japan in Canada


Calling Japan from Canada

The country code is 81 to call you would dial 011 – 81 – area code – local number.

Area Codes for major centres in Japan (landlines only)

Akita 18 Kawasaki 44 Okazaki 564
Amagasaki 6 Kitakyushu 93 Osaka 6
Asahikawa 166 Kobe 78 Otsu 77
Chiba 43 Kochi 88 Sagamihara 42
Fujisawa 466 Kofu 55 Saitama 48
Fukuoka 92 Koriyama 24 Sakai 72
Fukuyama 84 Kumamoto 96 Sapporo 11
Funabashi 47 Koshigaya 48 Sendai 22
Gifu 58 Kurashiki 86 Shizuoka 54
Hachioji 42 Kyoto 75 Suita 6
Hamamatsu 53 Machida 42 Takamatsu 87
Higashiosaka 6 Maebashi 27 Takasaki 27
Himeji 79 Matsudo 47 Takatsuki 72
Hirakata 72 Matsuyama 89 Tokorozawa 4
Hiroshima 82 Miyazaki 985 Tokyo 3
Ichikawa 47 Nagano 26 Toyama 76
Ichinomiya 586 Nagasaki 95 Toyohashi 532
Iwaki 246 Nagoya 52 Toyonaka 6
Kagoshima 99 Naha 98 Toyota 565
Kanazawa 76 Nara 742 Utsunomiya 28
Kashiwa 4 Niigata 25 Wakayama 73
Kasugai 568 Nishinomiya 798 Yokkaichi 59
Kawagoe 49 Oita 97 Yokohama 45
Kawaguchi 48 Okayama 86 Yokosuka 46


Cells use the prefixes 70, 80 or 90.


Calling Canada from Japan

Dial 00 – 1 – area code – local number

Area Codes of Canada

Province Code Province  Code
Alberta 403 / 587 (southern Alberta)

587 / 780 (central and northern Alberta)

Nunavut 867
BC 236 / 250 / 778 (majority of BC)

236 / 604 / 778 (Metro Vancouver)

Ontario 226 / 519 (southwestern Ontario)

249 / 705 (northeastern Ontario)

289 / 365 / 905 (Greater Toronto Area)

343 / 613 (eastern Ontario)

416 / 647 (Toronto)

807 (northwestern Ontario)

Manitoba 204 / 431 PEI 782 / 902
New  Brunswick 506 Quebec 418 / 581 (eastern Quebec)

438 / 514 (Montreal)

450 / 579 (Greater Montreal)

819 / 873 (remainder of Quebec)

Newfoundland and Labrador 709 Saskatchewan 306 / 639
Northwest Territories 867 Yukon 867
Nova Scotia 782 / 902


Time Difference

Japanese Standard Time is GMT+9. Japan does not observe Daylight Saving Time.

Canadian Time Zone # of Hours Japan is Ahead # of Hours during DST
Pacific (BC, Yukon) 17 hours 16 hours
Mountain (Alberta, western Nunvaut, Lloydminster, Saskatchewan) 16 hours 15 hours
Saskatchewan 15 hours 15 hours
Central (Manitoba, Northwest Territories, central Nunavut, northwestern Ontario) 15 hours 14 hours
Eastern (most of Ontario, most of Quebec) 14 hours 13 hours
Atlantic (Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI, eastern Quebec) 13 hours 12 hours
Newfoundland 12.5 hours 11.5 hours


Emergency Information for Canadians in Japan

Embassy of Canada in Tokyo

3-38 Akasaka 7-chome
Japan, 107-8503

Telephone: 81 (3) 5412-6200
Fax: 81 (3) 5412-6289
E-mail: [email protected]

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Consulate of Canada in Hiroshima

c/o Chugoku Electric Power Co. Inc.
4-33 Komachi, Naka-ku
Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima-ken
Japan, 730-8701

Telephone: 81 (82) 246-0057
Fax: 81(82) 504-7006
Email: No Email

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Consulate of Canada in Nagoya

Nakato Marunouchi Building
6F, 3-17-6 Marunouchi
Nagoya-shi, Aichi-ken
Japan, 460-0002

Telephone: 81 (52) 972-0450
Fax: 81 (52) 972-0453 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

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Consulate of Canada in

c/o Tsuda Sangyo Co. Ltd.
1-8-19 Hirabayashi Minami

Telephone: 81 (6) 6681–0250
Fax: No Fax E-mail: [email protected]

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Consulate of Canada in Sappor

Canada Place, Poseidon Maruyama 2F
26-1-3 Odori Nishi, Chuo-ku
Japan 064-0820

Telephone: 81 (11) 643-2520
Fax: 81 (11) 643-2520 E-mail: [email protected]

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Sponsoring Your Japanese Spouse to Come to Canada

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