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Keyword(s): federal immigration

How to Fail at Express Entry: Common Errors and Mistakes

Express Entry is unforgiving because it is done online and you no longer get letters from IRCC (formerly CIC) requesting that you correct any mistakes made in your application. Under Express Entry, any errors or omissions made by you, the applicant, will result in your application not qualifying out of your pool of candidates. And…


Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) for Express Entry

Another key area in any Express Entry application for permanent residence and in assessing your ranking within your candidate pool is your education. In order for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to assess the validity of your foreign degree, diploma, or certificate, you will have to submit to an Educational Credential Assessment, or ECA.


Working in Canada: How to Get a NOC Code

What is the National Occupation Classification system? Why do you need to know about it? How does it affect your application to come to or stay in Canada? Get a NOC code! Use a NOC code!


Express Entry

Express Entry Since January 1st, 2015 Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC, formerly Citizenship and Immigration Canada or CIC) has initiated a new immigration program called Express Entry. Think of it as being like getting a job. Your online application to migrate to Canada gets placed in a pool with other candidates and evaluated according…


Where Do I Have to Live in Canada After Getting PR?

When you land at your Port of Entry (or POE) in Canada and are admitted into the country with a provincial nomination in hand as well, you still have to convince border officials that you are complying with all aspects of your status as a newly arrived immigrant. This means complying with both federal immigration…


What’s the difference between a TRV and a TRP?

When dealing with immigration and other government agencies, frequently it’s hard to understand their internal jargon. One common question is “What is the difference between a TRV and a TRP?” It’s very understandable how people could easily become confused by these two terms which government officials can use without much explanation.


The Top 10 Best Places to Immigrate to in Canada

Which province is the best province to live in?


American Cuban Marriage in Cuba – A Guide

Getting Married in Cuba to a Cuban – a Guide for American Citizens


How to Get a Job Offer From a Canadian Employer

The biggest hurdle for most adults trying to immigrate to Canada is the “job offer from a Canadian employer” requirement. In our article on the top 7 cheapest and fastest ways to immigrate to Canada, there is one common theme: 4 of these methods require a job offer from an employer (the other’s require admission…


Can I Afford the Cost of Living in Canada?

Can you survive on a monthly salary in Canada? That depends on two obvious factors: What your job is and where you live.


Completing an Application to Work in Canada – IMM 1295

2019 Update: Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) strongly recommends you apply online for the following reasons: There are no courier fees and there is no lag from the mail delivery – IRCC receives your application instantly. Online applications are normally processed more quickly. Incomplete paper applications will be returned to you. Applying online helps…


Family Sponsorship by Region

Please note that on January 1, 2015 the way that Canada accepts permanent residents has changed. The new system, called Express Entry, represents a change in method rather than in requirements.  Free Complete Spousal Sponsorship Course Canadian citizens and Permanent residents can sponsor overseas family in the federal family class program. However this program currently…