Skills Immigration - Health Care Professional -move with family-criminal record


New Member
Good afternoon,

I am currently base in UK and would like to apply for the BCPNP Skill Immigration Program -health care professional. I was considering if my application is going to be successful I am planning then to move to BC with my family. However, my husband was convicted by law ? for 7 years ( that has passed) since his sentence has been completed. I am just wondering what else can we do apart of applying for a criminal rehabilitation ? I read online that it is taking between 18-24 months to process the application and its seem to be a long period.
Could you advise on above please?
Thank you

Riley Haas

Staff member
Hi Izabela,
I can't tell you whether or not your husband needs to apply for Criminal Rehab, because I don't know the conviction. (If that's something you want to discuss in private, send me a private message here or email me at
If the conviction was the equivalent of a summary offense in Canada, then he might already be "deemed rehabilitated" which means he doesn't need to bother with rehab application. If it was the equivalent of an indictable offense, though, he will have to apply, or you will have to wait 3 more years, until he can be deemed rehabilitated for that offense (depending on the type of indictable offense).
The good news (there is some) is that the BC PNP does not deal with admissibility. So you can apply for the nomination without worrying about your husband's situation. You only need to worry about your husband's situation for the second part of the application, the part with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (who deal with admissibility).
What this means is that, in theory, you can wait to submit your husband's criminal rehab application at the same time as you submit your PR application through CIC, which may make the process faster.

Hope this helps.