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  1. canadageorge

    Inland sponsorship application submitted. Leaving Canada for business

    Most elementary schools and high schools in Canada will not make a big deal if you do not have the correct documentation (just call the school and ask). When he becomes a resident of Canada, you will not have an issues. If on the other hand, the school does not take the child, you would need to...
  2. canadageorge

    Citizenship application

    They are simply asking about any other passports in the past (example: US Passport). P.S. travel document & passport means the same thing
  3. canadageorge

    Visitor visa for fiance

    99% of the time this is the way it goes. Again, what is in your power is sending a 100% perfect sponsorship application (It should take you 2-3 month to put the package together). Good luck.
  4. canadageorge

    Inland sponsorship application submitted. Leaving Canada for business

    Once he gets an open work permit things will be easy.
  5. canadageorge

    Visitor visa for fiance

    It will not matter, people from most African nations get a high percentage of refusals. I am assuming he is not rich, and has not had a visa to the EU or US, he is almost 90% likely to get refused. The way around this is filling an outland spousal sponsorship application. The best thing you...
  6. canadageorge

    Sponsorship for permanent residents (Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union (IMM 5409))

    I think you have the forms confused, IMM 5772 is for parents and grandparents, but you need IMM 5409. You can find a free Sponsorship course on Immigroup's website, click here
  7. canadageorge

    Inland sponsorship application submitted. Leaving Canada for business

    It's a tricky problem, the best thing he can do is state he is visiting but he has filed a inland Sponsorship application. Technically they could refuse his entry but this generally does not happen. I would advise him not to travel while the applications in process.
  8. canadageorge

    Canadian Job Offer

    Canada does not make it easy to get a job offer if you are outside of Canada. This is because the employer must get permission from the government (Labour Market Impact Assessment). This cost money and time for the employer. Your best bet is apply in very remote location of the country (this...
  9. canadageorge

    Trying to find a job offer in Canada from Colombia

    not easy, getting a job offer from a Canadian employer is half the problem. I recommend you watch a few YouTube videos on this subject first.
  10. canadageorge

    Home Support Worker pilot program

    no refunds, it's a monopoly. I would look for an immigration program that is more black and white in it's requirements. Alternatively you can speak to big retirement homes that may have some experience in hiring foreigners and dealing with immigration.
  11. canadageorge

    Home Support Worker pilot program

    Full disclosure- I have very little experience with this application. What IRCC is looking for: - (example) a certificate or a degree - nursing, or training with disabled or elderly. - yes, work experience is good, but it needs to come from the previous employer - (example), a letter or...
  12. canadageorge

    After AOR how long it takes to citizenship test?

    It's hard to say, it depend on your location in Canada. The average timeline is 6 months.
  13. canadageorge

    PR Application: Address and Travel History Help

    Section 10, with your history inside Canada, should be combined: 2016-01-01 to 2019-01-01 -- 1234 Main St. -- Vancouver... etc... The rest looks good.
  14. canadageorge

    Dependent Child

    Happy to help, good luck.
  15. canadageorge

    Seeking advise!

    You have the right mind sent. 'if they ask for 6, give them 12'. here is what you need to keep in mind: - In reality you get one chance with the visitor visa - first one works you are golden - but if the first one fails, 98% he will never get one again. - His documents that proves he is...
  16. canadageorge

    Dependent Child

    Absolutely, a student visa is a good idea, again I would still call the school board of the Province you're going to be living in.
  17. canadageorge

    Dependent Child

    Getting in to Canada should not be to hard, but what documents the school will need is another question. On the short term, you could just get your child into a private school, maybe even the public (but I would first call and find out). At some point you will need to file a Sponsorship...
  18. canadageorge

    Seeking advise!

    I see a few issues: 'We have never met face to face', I would say that your Sponsorship application will not work. Basic requirements is you have in an intimate relationship for at least one year or more. Even in a weak case the two parties would have met at least twice. Applying for a...
  19. canadageorge

    Police Clearance validity?

    Yes, you need new ones, these documents are only valid for six months. Also, if you are doing your own Sponsorship application, Immigroup has a free course covering this topic.