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  1. Sara_han

    First British passport for my child born abroad

    Also another thing, it says grandfather however it is the grandmother who has the indefinite leave, the grandfather has a German European passport
  2. Sara_han

    First British passport for my child born abroad

    but then what would have been the point of doing the U.K. birth registration certificate before hand when I proved all this before ? For me to only go and do it again for the second time!
  3. Sara_han

    First British passport for my child born abroad

    if I was unable to send marriage certificate / indefinite leave of my parents, would that stop my daughter from getting her passport ? The only thing I am able to send is stuff belonging to me so I’m worried
  4. Sara_han

    First British passport for my child born abroad

    Thank you for your reply! What other documents could they ask for out of curiosity? I’ve submitted my child’s U.K. birth registration certificate & local birth certificate and now I have sent along side my British birth certificate. I’m just worried that they will still need my parents documents...
  5. Sara_han

    First British passport for my child born abroad

    Hi, I'm currently british other than by decent born in London, I gave birth to my daughter few months ago in Saudi Arabia. I’ve registered her overseas birth in the U.K. and sent all the needed documents for that which has been approved and given to her as British citizen by decent. However...